A Tale of Two Dreams

Going into this year, my plan was to write on this blog weekly about rural and unconventional travel. But if you’ve been following along, you’ve probably noticed that it’s been a while since my last post.

Mary in New York City, November 2024

Attending graduate school is both a curse and a blessing. On one hand, I feel so fortunate to have this incredible opportunity to further my education. On the other, I feel that all of my time is consumed by it. As a first-generation college student, I don’t take that for granted. But I often struggle when I see my friends making money in their careers, getting promotions, and establishing themselves—becoming fully financially independent, even purchasing homes or moving in with partners/spouses.

I look at where I am and feel a sense of being behind. I’m still in school, have no clear idea of where I’ll work after graduation, and often wish I could know where my place in the world will be. But I also have a deep passion for science and a thirst for learning more about it.

When pursuing two dreams—furthering my education and career in science, and traveling the world to discover new places—I often feel pulled in two directions. Am I making the right decisions? One thing I’ve learned, or hope to learn, is that there will always be decisions to make. And you’ll never truly know what could happen if you don’t take those chances.

Although this post isn’t about travel, I think it’s important to address these kinds of things. It’s also crucial to recognize that chasing dreams comes with sacrifice. Often, we need stability in our careers and education before we can fully chase other passions, or we may have to sacrifice one dream to chase another.

I just hope that, one day, even though I may always face tough decisions, I’ll find a balance between feeling fulfilled in my life and doing what’s ‘necessary’ to maintain stability.


What ‘Sojourner’ Means to Me