What ‘Sojourner’ Means to Me

Mary in Kenya, August 2023.

When I first heard the term "sojourner," I had no idea what it meant. Curious, I quickly researched its definition and origin, and to my surprise, it resonated deeply with me.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been captivated by the world—fascinated by cultures, landscapes, and cities so different from my own. Yet, despite my curiosity, my anxiety disorder often held me back from acting on the dreams and ambitions I held so close. Traveling felt like an unattainable goal, something that other people did, but not me.

Then, I came across a quote by one of my favorite YouTubers: “Feel the fear, and do it anyway.” Around the same time, I heard another: “Learn to starve your fear with your soul’s hunger.” Those words stayed with me, encouraging me to confront my fears, one step at a time. With support and encouragement from my friends and family, I eventually found the courage to board a plane by myself and traveled to visit family friends in their home country. That first journey, almost nine years ago now, changed everything.

Mary in Prague, May 2022.

The more I reflect on the concept, the more I realize how closely it aligns with my faith as a Catholic. In the Bible, the term "sojourner" translates the Hebrew word gēr.

“sojourner” is an individual or group residing in a community that is not originally their own. It conveys the idea that the sojourner relies on the good of others for their time in a place that is not theirs. Christians are often described as ‘sojourners of the earth’—temporary residents called to live by the values of their home in heaven.

This understanding has added an additional layer of meaning to my travels and my life. To me, being a sojourner is about more than just exploring new places; it’s about the journey of life, learning from others, and embodying the values of faith and gratitude. As I continue to travel, I hope to live as a true sojourner—grounded in my faith, yet open to wisdom this world and the people I meet along the way have to offer.


A Tale of Two Dreams


My First Journal Entry